--- /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/info.metadude.android.fossgis.schedule_108.apk
+++ /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/sigcp_info.metadude.android.fossgis.schedule_108.apk
├── zipinfo -v {}
│ @@ -33087,15 +33087,15 @@
│ version of encoding software: 0.0
│ minimum file system compatibility required: MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
│ minimum software version required to extract: 0.0
│ compression method: none (stored)
│ file security status: not encrypted
│ extended local header: no
│ file last modified on (DOS date/time): 1981 Jan 1 01:01:02
│ - 32-bit CRC value (hex): f4545443
│ + 32-bit CRC value (hex): 049fa0ef
│ compressed size: 1718196 bytes
│ uncompressed size: 1718196 bytes
│ length of filename: 14 characters
│ length of extra field: 0 bytes
│ length of file comment: 0 characters
│ disk number on which file begins: disk 1
│ apparent file type: binary
├── resources.arsc
│ ├── aapt2 dump resources {}
│ │ @@ -13538,15 +13538,15 @@
│ │ (it) "Versione: %s"
│ │ (lt) "Versijos kodas: %s"
│ │ (pt) "Versão do código: %s"
│ │ (ru) "Код версии: %s"
│ │ (sv) "Versionskod: %s"
│ │ (pt-rBR) "Versão do código: %s"
│ │ resource 0x7f110049 string/build_time
│ │ - () "2025-02-22T06:43Z"
│ │ + () "2025-02-25T07:56Z"
│ │ resource 0x7f11004a string/call_notification_answer_action
│ │ () "Answer"
│ │ (ca) "Respon"
│ │ (da) "Besvar"
│ │ (fa) "پاسخ دادن"
│ │ (ja) "応答"
│ │ (ka) "პასუხი"
├── res/values/strings.xml
│ ├── res/values/strings.xml
│ │ @@ -69,15 +69,15 @@
│ │ Expand the bottom sheet
│ │ Expand halfway
│ │ Drag handle double-tapped
│ │ Drag handle
│ │ Version hash: %s
│ │ Build time: %s
│ │ Version code: %s
│ │ - 2025-02-22T06:43Z
│ │ + 2025-02-25T07:56Z
│ │ Answer
│ │ Video
│ │ Decline
│ │ Hang Up
│ │ Incoming call
│ │ Ongoing call
│ │ Screening an incoming call