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19:32 assets/locale/translations.hu.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24101 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.it.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 27521 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.ja.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 25853 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.ko.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24014 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.lzh.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 23953 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.nb.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24045 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.nl.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 25209 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.pl.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24685 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.pt.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24713 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.ro.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 31965 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.ru.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24385 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.sv.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 34933 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.th.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 25053 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.tr.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 24033 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/locale/translations.zh.translation │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2187 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-3526dda3bcfbf9dddec6f6c6fea65cad-button-theme.res │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 809 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-c7791b71cc2df987cc7500ccf289ebee-darken_slightly.res │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 418 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-4151201e21a37edd08c266180c5f00c0-obstacle1.res │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 422 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-c45ab8dc027d91ff462dfebb476e684d-obstacle2.res │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 422 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 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stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-30e89d1313927d6f3e8463e8b7b5bb45-cloaking_laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 836 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/curve_laser.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1305 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-b7c8329f397a0a943048eb8d8d2dbbd1-curve_laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2167 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/game_state.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2370 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/hud.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 7250 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-38bf74ff262409a94a41206b2b776d33-hud.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 646 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/laser.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1432 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-7ea66689adea2f221421049858cbe224-laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1538 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-dd698f20acc7990cc63cb9ef8d32bdb3-main-theme.res │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1078 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/Main.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 5820 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-3ad5c15c4f3250da0cc7c1af1770d85f-main.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 417 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/mini_asteroid.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 878 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-e7f530b0b67ba9538034cb7990766c0e-mini_asteroid.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1407 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/missile.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2725 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-8b08e0cc60d00f47e895037433cdfe7f-missile.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 207 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/obstacles.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2633 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/player_rock.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 4590 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-27c23b7e25f829ebf40bd13a265ada58-player_rock.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 615 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/scaling_laser.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 3055 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-f43c88a01524055fc5bbe9b1f9e2c97e-scaling_laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 4273 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/settings.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 4878 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-7416c78d345eded4b396246a6c8adbe0-settings.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 295 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spinner.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2386 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-a347649129316817e8cc3b3bb197df49-spinner.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 705 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spring_laser.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 1305 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-4dfcd28326018076e9d8bf638f7f71db-spring_laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 754 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/teleporting_laser.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 2917 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-97e596a566d2fb794d450c85bf61279c-teleporting_laser.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 3662 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-c5d0fcfa37b41758e77048240f661414-transition.scn │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 957 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/transitions.gdc │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 59 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/joystick/virtual_joystick.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 109 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/joystick/virtual_joystick.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 105 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/UI/ColourPicker.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 97 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/UI/Dock.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 100 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/UI/Pattern.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 59 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/ColourPicker.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 54 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/Current.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 51 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/Dock.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 54 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/Pattern.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 53 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/plugin.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 54 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/Project.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 61 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/todoItem_class.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 57 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/Todo_Manager/todo_class.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 104 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/addons/default_env.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 98 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/world.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 42 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/tutorial.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 39 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/world.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 111 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/default_bus_layout.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 101 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/tutorial.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 105 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/button-theme.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 108 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/darken_slightly.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle1.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle2.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle3.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle4.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle5.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle6.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle7.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle8.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/obstacle9.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 108 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/small_textstyle.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/resources/textstyle.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 49 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/asteroid_bullet.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 108 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/asteroid_bullet.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 48 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/boss_spaceship.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 107 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/boss_spaceship.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 48 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/bouncing_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 107 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/bouncing_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 48 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/cloaking_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 107 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/cloaking_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 45 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/curve_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 104 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/curve_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 44 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/game_state.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 37 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/hud.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 96 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/hud.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 39 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 98 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 103 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/main-theme.tres.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 38 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/Main.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 97 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/main.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 47 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/mini_asteroid.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 106 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/mini_asteroid.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 41 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/missile.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 100 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/missile.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 43 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/obstacles.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 45 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/player_rock.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 104 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/player_rock.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 47 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/scaling_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 106 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/scaling_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 42 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/settings.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 101 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/settings.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 41 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spinner.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 100 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spinner.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 46 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spring_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 105 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/spring_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 51 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/teleporting_laser.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 110 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/teleporting_laser.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 103 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/transition.tscn.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 45 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/scenes/transitions.gd.remap │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 418 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 543016 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/icons/icon.png │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 30636 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/.godot/uid_cache.bin │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 8453 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/project.binary │ --rw---- 0.0 fat 44 b- stor 25-Feb-22 19:32 assets/_cl_ │ --rw---- 2.0 fat 136332 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 META-INF/778E0875.SF │ --rw---- 2.0 fat 1336 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 META-INF/778E0875.RSA │ --rw---- 2.0 fat 136205 b- defN 25-Feb-22 19:32 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF │ -968 files, 96153357 bytes uncompressed, 44600162 bytes compressed: 53.6% │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 56 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 1162 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 148 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/dexopt/baseline.profm │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 5093640 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 classes.dex │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 4359916 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 lib/armeabi-v7a/libc++_shared.so │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 65002892 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 lib/armeabi-v7a/libgodot_android.so │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 1738 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 DebugProbesKt.bin │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.activity_activity.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 67 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.arch.core_core-runtime.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.core_core-ktx.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.core_core-splashscreen.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.core_core.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 78 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 73 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 72 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 85 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 74 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.profileinstaller_profileinstaller.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/androidx.startup_startup-runtime.version │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 6 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 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108 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/darken_slightly.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle1.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle2.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle3.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle4.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle5.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle6.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle7.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle8.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/obstacle9.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 108 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/resources/small_textstyle.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 102 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 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25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/hud.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 96 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/hud.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 39 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/laser.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 98 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/laser.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 103 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/main-theme.tres.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 38 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/Main.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 97 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/main.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 47 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/mini_asteroid.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 106 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/mini_asteroid.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 41 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/missile.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 100 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/missile.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 43 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/obstacles.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 45 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/player_rock.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 104 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/player_rock.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 47 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/scaling_laser.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 106 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/scaling_laser.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 42 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/settings.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 101 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/settings.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 41 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/spinner.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 100 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/spinner.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 46 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/spring_laser.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 105 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/spring_laser.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 51 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/teleporting_laser.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 110 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/teleporting_laser.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 103 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/transition.tscn.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 45 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/scenes/transitions.gd.remap │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 418 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 543016 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/icons/icon.png │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 30636 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/.godot/uid_cache.bin │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 8453 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/project.binary │ +-rw---- 0.0 fat 44 b- stor 25-Mar-01 08:04 assets/_cl_ │ +-rw---- 2.0 fat 136332 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/778E0875.SF │ +-rw---- 2.0 fat 1336 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/778E0875.RSA │ +-rw---- 2.0 fat 136205 b- defN 25-Mar-01 08:04 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF │ +968 files, 96153353 bytes uncompressed, 44600147 bytes compressed: 53.6% ├── APK metadata │┄ Ordering differences only │ @@ -346,16 +346,16 @@ │ - assets/.godot/imported/bg_1_1.png-f4096b0c23ebfa71e46084dd44e97208.ctex │ - assets/.godot/imported/icon.png-66e56a551f174bdc993eb27d415a6710.ctex │ - 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_ck56b./........ │ +00000120: 5f6f 6977 376c 002f 0100 0000 0000 000f _oiw7l./........ │ 00000130: 0000 0041 7564 696f 5374 7265 616d 5741 ...AudioStreamWA │ 00000140: 5600 0400 0000 0200 0000 1f00 0000 5c60 V.............\` │ 00000150: 0700 5200 e100 d800 8303 d4ff 1801 afff ..R............. │ 00000160: 7000 bbfd 57fe 31fb 6bfb f5f6 01f8 b9f8 p...W.1.k....... │ 00000170: 06fb b400 3402 e405 ba05 fc06 6e05 3407 ....4.......n.4. │ 00000180: 9e04 ed05 8302 de01 49ff 97fa 77fa edf8 ........I...w... │ 00000190: d3fa 35fb c3fc e1f3 43f5 25ec 37ee 17fb ..5.....C.%.7... ├── assets/.godot/imported/missile_target_locked.wav-691fd651c13926903393c8c44fd3ba2d.sample │ @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ │ 000000b0: 000a 0000 006c 6f6f 705f 6d6f 6465 000b .....loop_mode.. │ 000000c0: 0000 006c 6f6f 705f 6265 6769 6e00 0900 ...loop_begin... │ 000000d0: 0000 6c6f 6f70 5f65 6e64 0009 0000 006d ..loop_end.....m │ 000000e0: 6978 5f72 6174 6500 0700 0000 7374 6572 ix_rate.....ster │ 000000f0: 656f 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 7400 0000 eo.....script... │ 00000100: 0000 0100 0000 1d00 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a ..........local: │ 00000110: 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 6561 6d57 4156 //AudioStreamWAV │ -00000120: 5f65 7861 6378 002f 0100 0000 0000 000f _exacx./........ │ +00000120: 5f6c 3338 6467 002f 0100 0000 0000 000f _l38dg./........ │ 00000130: 0000 0041 7564 696f 5374 7265 616d 5741 ...AudioStreamWA │ 00000140: 5600 0300 0000 0200 0000 1f00 0000 d01a V............... │ 00000150: 0300 fb0a aa2f 3d3b c412 09b5 7394 32dc ...../=;....s.2. │ 00000160: 541d 55fe e9b8 44b7 ccf6 c517 88f0 38c3 T.U...D.......8. │ 00000170: 49d3 d404 fd0e 28e9 40d0 ede7 500a 4906 I.....(.@...P.I. │ 00000180: 00e7 57dd cef5 a00a 55ff 7be8 dce8 27fe ..W.....U.{...'. │ 00000190: 5108 b5fa 0cec 0af2 6802 2005 4cf8 76f0 Q.......h. .L.v. ├── assets/.godot/imported/sfx_twoTone.ogg-ecb5e43c8ea13fe5022a696b903546f2.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 616b acketSequence_ak │ -00000160: 6361 6a00 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 caj.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 3478 acketSequence_4x │ +00000160: 6473 7700 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 dsw.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f72 6c31 eamOggVorbis_rl1 │ -00000190: 3270 00f1 4700 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f 2p..G..........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f36 6173 eamOggVorbis_6as │ +00000190: 7964 00f1 4700 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f yd..G..........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0006 0000 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0144 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 000001e0: 0000 0000 0000 7701 0000 0000 00b8 0100 ......w......... │ 000001f0: 001e 0000 0002 0000 001f 0000 003e 0000 .............>.. │ 00000200: 0003 766f 7262 6973 1d00 0000 5869 7068 ..vorbis....Xiph ├── assets/.godot/imported/OutThere.ogg-0d197600f5dafc6e9314576853e725f3.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 3330 acketSequence_30 │ -00000160: 6f35 6700 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 o5g.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 3774 acketSequence_7t │ +00000160: 3365 3800 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 3e8.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f32 7369 eamOggVorbis_2si │ -00000190: 6465 001d 2e3d 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f de...=.........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f78 746d eamOggVorbis_xtm │ +00000190: 666d 001d 2e3d 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f fm...=.........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0081 0300 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0244 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 000001e0: 0000 f401 0000 f401 0000 f401 00b8 0100 ................ │ 000001f0: 001e 0000 0002 0000 001f 0000 0078 0000 .............x.. │ 00000200: 0003 766f 7262 6973 2a00 0000 5869 7068 ..vorbis*...Xiph ├── assets/.godot/imported/flaunch.wav-b2895cf8c26192edd4a49c9e644afa9e.sample │ @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ │ 000000b0: 000a 0000 006c 6f6f 705f 6d6f 6465 000b .....loop_mode.. │ 000000c0: 0000 006c 6f6f 705f 6265 6769 6e00 0900 ...loop_begin... │ 000000d0: 0000 6c6f 6f70 5f65 6e64 0009 0000 006d ..loop_end.....m │ 000000e0: 6978 5f72 6174 6500 0700 0000 7374 6572 ix_rate.....ster │ 000000f0: 656f 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 7400 0000 eo.....script... │ 00000100: 0000 0100 0000 1d00 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a ..........local: │ 00000110: 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 6561 6d57 4156 //AudioStreamWAV │ -00000120: 5f78 3136 6467 002f 0100 0000 0000 000f _x16dg./........ │ +00000120: 5f68 7331 6777 002f 0100 0000 0000 000f _hs1gw./........ │ 00000130: 0000 0041 7564 696f 5374 7265 616d 5741 ...AudioStreamWA │ 00000140: 5600 0400 0000 0200 0000 1f00 0000 bc83 V............... │ 00000150: 0100 f6ff faff 0e00 0900 0000 feff 1200 ................ │ 00000160: 0d00 1200 0600 1900 1100 1500 0800 0b00 ................ │ 00000170: 0200 1000 0200 0200 0500 1800 1800 0600 ................ │ 00000180: 0a00 0c00 0b00 0100 0600 ffff 0c00 f2ff ................ │ 00000190: 0700 0600 1f00 fcff 0c00 deff f2ff dbff ................ ├── assets/.godot/imported/sfx_shieldUp.ogg-e5ad06ecce139d7b2d4ce3d1b68fa5cd.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 7738 acketSequence_w8 │ -00000160: 7363 7200 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 scr.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 3074 acketSequence_0t │ +00000160: 6c34 7300 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 l4s.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f70 3473 eamOggVorbis_p4s │ -00000190: 6c38 0089 2800 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f l8..(..........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f6e 786e eamOggVorbis_nxn │ +00000190: 6f6c 0089 2800 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f ol..(..........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0005 0000 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0244 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 000001e0: 0000 0000 0000 7102 0000 0000 00b8 0100 ......q......... │ 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│ 00000150: 0100 6d7f 327f 7c56 7f5c 7d7f 707f 7f7c ..m.2.|V.\}.p..| │ 00000160: 7f7b 7f7f 4380 08e1 8a19 a8c7 f99c c2be .{..C........... │ 00000170: a4c9 aeb3 c2ab c47f 7f15 7f49 587f 387f ...........IX.8. │ 00000180: dd80 4380 9f0e 80e1 ca0a 7f02 7f7f 117f ..C............. │ 00000190: 7f4f 7fb5 435f cb6c 1bff 62f4 94d4 c9a4 .O..C_.l..b..... ├── assets/.godot/imported/sfx_laser2.ogg-d13ac62b7977be5705465eae0b306481.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 7663 acketSequence_vc │ -00000160: 6177 7900 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 awy.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 6230 acketSequence_b0 │ +00000160: 6e77 6c00 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 nwl.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f36 6136 eamOggVorbis_6a6 │ -00000190: 7737 00e5 3e00 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f w7..>..........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f65 7066 eamOggVorbis_epf │ +00000190: 6667 00e5 3e00 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f fg..>..........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0005 0000 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0144 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 000001e0: 0000 0000 0000 7701 0000 0000 00b8 0100 ......w......... │ 000001f0: 001e 0000 0002 0000 001f 0000 004e 0000 .............N.. │ 00000200: 0003 766f 7262 6973 1d00 0000 5869 7068 ..vorbis....Xiph ├── assets/.godot/imported/through space.ogg-f474f51481b6e57cf6a6b87c206664e6.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 786c acketSequence_xl │ -00000160: 386c 6f00 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 8lo.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 6166 acketSequence_af │ +00000160: 6b34 6a00 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 k4j.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 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0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 6a75 acketSequence_ju │ -00000160: 3266 7200 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 2fr.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 7933 acketSequence_y3 │ +00000160: 3572 6700 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 5rg.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f62 6331 eamOggVorbis_bc1 │ -00000190: 6861 00a9 3100 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f ha..1..........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f73 7432 eamOggVorbis_st2 │ +00000190: 6f6c 00a9 3100 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f ol..1..........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0004 0000 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0144 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 000001e0: 0000 0000 0000 7701 0000 0000 00b8 0100 ......w......... │ 000001f0: 001e 0000 0002 0000 001f 0000 003b 0000 .............;.. │ 00000200: 0003 766f 7262 6973 1d00 0000 5869 7068 ..vorbis....Xiph ├── assets/.godot/imported/sfx_laser1.ogg-a415bb7ca8f350d26192ad5f42cc1f02.oggvorbisstr │ @@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ │ 000000e0: 6372 6970 7400 1000 0000 7061 636b 6574 cript.....packet │ 000000f0: 5f73 6571 7565 6e63 6500 0400 0000 6270 _sequence.....bp │ 00000100: 6d00 0b00 0000 6265 6174 5f63 6f75 6e74 m.....beat_count │ 00000110: 000a 0000 0062 6172 5f62 6561 7473 0005 .....bar_beats.. │ 00000120: 0000 006c 6f6f 7000 0c00 0000 6c6f 6f70 ...loop.....loop │ 00000130: 5f6f 6666 7365 7400 0000 0000 0200 0000 _offset......... │ 00000140: 2000 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f67 6750 ...local://OggP │ -00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 7467 acketSequence_tg │ -00000160: 7363 3000 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 sc0.........#... │ +00000150: 6163 6b65 7453 6571 7565 6e63 655f 316a acketSequence_1j │ +00000160: 626e 3300 9b01 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 bn3.........#... │ 00000170: 6c6f 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4175 6469 6f53 7472 local://AudioStr │ -00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f32 6c63 eamOggVorbis_2lc │ -00000190: 6262 00d1 4200 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f bb..B..........O │ +00000180: 6561 6d4f 6767 566f 7262 6973 5f33 3069 eamOggVorbis_30i │ +00000190: 7531 00d1 4200 0000 0000 0012 0000 004f u1..B..........O │ 000001a0: 6767 5061 636b 6574 5365 7175 656e 6365 ggPacketSequence │ 000001b0: 0004 0000 0002 0000 001e 0000 0005 0000 ................ │ 000001c0: 001e 0000 0001 0000 001f 0000 001e 0000 ................ │ 000001d0: 0001 766f 7262 6973 0000 0000 0144 ac00 ..vorbis.....D.. │ 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416e 696d 6174 ..........Animat │ 00000370: 696f 6e00 1000 0000 0600 0000 0400 0000 ion............. │ 00000380: 6f12 833a 0a00 0000 0500 0000 0600 0000 o..:............ │ 00000390: 7661 6c75 6500 0b00 0000 0200 0000 0000 value........... │ 000003a0: 0000 0c00 0000 0200 0000 0100 0000 0d00 ................ │ 000003b0: 0000 1600 0000 0100 0100 0100 0000 0200 ................ │ 000003c0: 0000 0e00 0000 0300 0000 0100 0000 0f00 ................ ├── assets/.godot/exported/133200997/export-e7f530b0b67ba9538034cb7990766c0e-mini_asteroid.scn │ @@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ │ 00000100: 7273 2f6d 6574 656f 7242 726f 776e 5f74 rs/meteorBrown_t │ 00000110: 696e 7932 2e70 6e67 0095 e3b8 db77 f86d iny2.png.....w.m │ 00000120: 7607 0000 0053 6372 6970 7400 1e00 0000 v....Script..... │ 00000130: 7265 733a 2f2f 7363 656e 6573 2f6d 696e res://scenes/min │ 00000140: 695f 6173 7465 726f 6964 2e67 6400 ffff i_asteroid.gd... │ 00000150: ffff ffff ffff 0100 0000 1a00 0000 6c6f ..............lo │ 00000160: 6361 6c3a 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+10,16 @@ │ 00000090: 7572 6365 5f6e 616d 6500 0900 0000 5f62 urce_name....._b │ 000000a0: 756e 646c 6564 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 undled.....scrip │ 000000b0: 7400 0100 0000 0700 0000 5363 7269 7074 t.........Script │ 000000c0: 0025 0000 0072 6573 3a2f 2f61 6464 6f6e .%...res://addon │ 000000d0: 732f 546f 646f 5f4d 616e 6167 6572 2f50 s/Todo_Manager/P │ 000000e0: 6174 7465 726e 2e67 6400 ffff ffff ffff attern.gd....... │ 000000f0: ffff 0100 0000 1a00 0000 6c6f 6361 6c3a ..........local: │ -00000100: 2f2f 5061 636b 6564 5363 656e 655f 6a75 //PackedScene_ju │ -00000110: 3874 6100 1c01 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 8ta............. │ +00000100: 2f2f 5061 636b 6564 5363 656e 655f 3876 //PackedScene_8v │ +00000110: 7465 7800 1c01 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 tex............. │ 00000120: 5061 636b 6564 5363 656e 6500 0200 0000 PackedScene..... │ 00000130: 0200 0000 1a00 0000 0900 0000 0500 0000 ................ │ 00000140: 0600 0000 6e61 6d65 7300 2200 0000 0f00 ....names."..... │ 00000150: 0000 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0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6e 6935 6e34 ranslation_ni5n4 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f35 7666 6173 ranslation_5vfas │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6465 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..de..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── 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00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6669 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..fi..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.ko.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f30 3069 6834 ranslation_00ih4 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 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6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6b 3763 7934 ranslation_k7cy4 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f38 766b 3738 ranslation_8vk78 │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7074 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..pt..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.en.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f68 6875 6376 ranslation_hhucv │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6e 7865 6435 ranslation_nxed5 │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0400 0000 0400 0000 2000 0000 0103 n......... ..... │ 00000150: 0000 ffff ffff 0000 0000 ffff ffff 0a00 ................ │ 00000160: 0000 1000 0000 1e00 0000 2400 0000 ffff ..........$..... │ 00000170: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff 2a00 0000 3000 ..........*...0. ├── assets/locale/translations.sv.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f68 7578 6a32 ranslation_huxj2 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f30 6674 6270 ranslation_0ftbp │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7376 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..sv..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.nl.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f31 7070 3734 ranslation_1pp74 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f32 6975 3365 ranslation_2iu3e │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6e6c 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..nl..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.nb.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f35 6665 3061 ranslation_5fe0a │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6b 376f 316a ranslation_k7o1j │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6e62 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..nb..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.ru.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6e 6771 6b64 ranslation_ngqkd │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f33 686b 6474 ranslation_3hkdt │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7275 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..ru..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.th.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f62 7769 6774 ranslation_bwigt │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f38 786f 356d ranslation_8xo5m │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7468 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..th..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.ar.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f72 6231 7130 ranslation_rb1q0 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6f 6132 6f6f ranslation_oa2oo │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6172 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..ar..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.pl.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6d 3778 7571 ranslation_m7xuq │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6d 6732 6462 ranslation_mg2db │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 706c 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..pl..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.bg.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f73 6733 6837 ranslation_sg3h7 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f70 6e67 6874 ranslation_pnght │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6267 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..bg..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.bs.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f72 7763 6279 ranslation_rwcby │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f66 6d36 3078 ranslation_fm60x │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6273 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..bs..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.lzh.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6b 636e 6f65 ranslation_kcnoe │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6e 3236 6c6a ranslation_n26lj │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0400 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6c7a 6800 0400 0000 2000 0000 0103 ..lzh..... ..... │ 00000160: 0000 ffff ffff 0000 0000 ffff ffff 0a00 ................ │ 00000170: 0000 1000 0000 1e00 0000 2400 0000 ffff ..........$..... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.tr.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f67 6966 776f ranslation_gifwo │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f32 3567 6464 ranslation_25gdd │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7472 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..tr..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.cs.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f74 6833 6266 ranslation_th3bf │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f70 3378 676f ranslation_p3xgo │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6373 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..cs..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.hu.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f62 3830 336a ranslation_b803j │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f73 3774 6861 ranslation_s7tha │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6875 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..hu..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.ro.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f63 6a38 3036 ranslation_cj806 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f34 6b79 6136 ranslation_4kya6 │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 726f 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..ro..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.es.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6b 696d 6269 ranslation_kimbi │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f71 7330 6763 ranslation_qs0gc │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6573 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..es..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.zh.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f34 7669 676c ranslation_4vigl │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f66 796e 6565 ranslation_fynee │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 7a68 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..zh..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.he.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f6e 7463 7736 ranslation_ntcw6 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f76 7575 3871 ranslation_vuu8q │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6865 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..he..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.it.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f61 6435 6832 ranslation_ad5h2 │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f63 7164 3233 ranslation_cqd23 │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 .)...........Opt │ 00000130: 696d 697a 6564 5472 616e 736c 6174 696f imizedTranslatio │ 00000140: 6e00 0500 0000 0300 0000 0500 0000 0300 n............... │ 00000150: 0000 6974 0004 0000 0020 0000 0001 0300 ..it..... ...... │ 00000160: 00ff ffff ff00 0000 00ff ffff ff0a 0000 ................ │ 00000170: 0010 0000 001e 0000 0024 0000 00ff ffff .........$...... │ 00000180: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ ├── assets/locale/translations.fr.translation │ @@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ │ 000000a0: 6d65 0009 0000 006d 6573 7361 6765 7300 me.....messages. │ 000000b0: 0700 0000 6c6f 6361 6c65 000b 0000 0068 ....locale.....h │ 000000c0: 6173 685f 7461 626c 6500 0d00 0000 6275 ash_table.....bu │ 000000d0: 636b 6574 5f74 6162 6c65 0008 0000 0073 cket_table.....s │ 000000e0: 7472 696e 6773 0007 0000 0073 6372 6970 trings.....scrip │ 000000f0: 7400 0000 0000 0100 0000 2300 0000 6c6f t.........#...lo │ 00000100: 6361 6c3a 2f2f 4f70 7469 6d69 7a65 6454 cal://OptimizedT │ -00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f68 316f 756c ranslation_h1oul │ +00000110: 7261 6e73 6c61 7469 6f6e 5f61 7831 7364 ranslation_ax1sd │ 00000120: 0029 0100 0000 0000 0015 0000 004f 7074 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