--- /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/app.simple.inure_10068.apk +++ /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/sigcp_app.simple.inure_10068.apk ├── /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {} │┄ error from `/usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {}` (b): │┄ DOES NOT VERIFY │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: , actual: │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. VERITY_CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: <0e33013f347bb4eb88cc7ced8b83c69be89c722ae16e6611c966a341a6560873a006b30100000000>, actual: <93742f83263afa315ad8ed8283167fbbdc2af2355dce89dd3228ef75d835bb7aa006b30100000000> │ @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ │ -Verifies │ -Verified using v1 scheme (JAR signing): true │ -Verified using v2 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v2): true │ -Verified using v3 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v3): true │ -Verified using v4 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v4): false │ -Verified for SourceStamp: false │ -Number of signers: 1 │ -Signer #1 certificate DN: CN=FDroid, OU=FDroid, O=fdroid.org, L=ORG, ST=ORG, C=UK │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: 80155b53e15161acc9f458a42bb67882a7e8c501a6cb827d6e5ca1fb0d5d6e3b │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-1 digest: 24b6cbe08ef08350d3c62c5d3b08d09c2e55cbf4 │ -Signer #1 certificate MD5 digest: 34ff4d908f774bfdef118815dd201572 │ -Signer #1 key algorithm: RSA │ -Signer #1 key size (bits): 2048 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-256 digest: 07e647154c5828f19a1f17ab538584b63ee0049568252b8ac143a465ff460b38 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-1 digest: ffba506d65f7e729e09cdd0ff33106ea5895e5d1 │ -Signer #1 public key MD5 digest: 9a19cab5619adde6432a6466f128fbab │ -WARNING: META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/version-control-info.textproto not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat-resources.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.arch.core_core-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.asynclayoutinflater_asynclayoutinflater.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cardview_cardview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.coordinatorlayout_coordinatorlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cursoradapter_cursoradapter.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview-poolingcontainer.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_viewbinding.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.documentfile_documentfile.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.drawerlayout_drawerlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.dynamicanimation_dynamicanimation-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.dynamicanimation_dynamicanimation.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2-views-helper.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.exifinterface_exifinterface.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.interpolator_interpolator.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-ui.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-utils.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-v4.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-process.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-service.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.localbroadcastmanager_localbroadcastmanager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.media_media.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.print_print.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.profileinstaller_profileinstaller.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.recyclerview_recyclerview-selection.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.recyclerview_recyclerview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.room_room-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.room_room-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.security_security-crypto.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.slidingpanelayout_slidingpanelayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite-framework.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.startup_startup-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.swiperefreshlayout_swiperefreshlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.tracing_tracing.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.transition_transition-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.transition_transition.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable-animated.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.versionedparcelable_versionedparcelable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager2_viewpager2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager_viewpager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.webkit_webkit.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/com.google.android.material_material.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_android.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. ├── zipinfo {} │ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ │ Zip file size: 28513952 bytes, number of entries: 2130 │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 56 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 120 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/version-control-info.textproto │ --rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 3906 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ +-rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 3905 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 259 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 assets/dexopt/baseline.profm │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 9081480 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 classes.dex │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 3172 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 classes2.dex │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 644540 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 classes3.dex │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 8376104 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 classes4.dex │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 4879124 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 classes5.dex │ -rw-r--r-- 0.0 unx 7384 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 lib/arm64-v8a/libinure_su.so │ @@ -2125,8 +2125,8 @@ │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 2566 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zr.png │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 884 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zz.png │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 960 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zz.xml │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 1987100 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 resources.arsc │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 188019 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/B8687A48.SF │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 1336 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/B8687A48.RSA │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 187892 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF │ -2130 files, 55239778 bytes uncompressed, 28174811 bytes compressed: 49.0% │ +2130 files, 55239777 bytes uncompressed, 28174812 bytes compressed: 49.0% ├── classes4.dex │ ├── dexdump -a -d -f -h {} │ │┄ Ignoring differences in offsets to keep diff size reasonable. │ │ @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ │ │ DEX version '035' │ │ DEX file header: │ │ magic : 'dex\n035\0' │ │ -checksum : 1a67e9b1 │ │ -signature : 5721...230b │ │ +checksum : 2ad7eb08 │ │ +signature : a3db...245e │ │ file_size : 8376104 │ │ header_size : 112 │ │ link_size : 0 │ │ link_off : 0 (0x000000) │ │ string_ids_size : 55225 │ │ string_ids_off : 112 (0x000070) │ │ type_ids_size : 9283 │ │ @@ -590747,41 +590747,41 @@ │ │ source_file_idx : 8226 │ │ static_fields_size : 0 │ │ instance_fields_size: 0 │ │ direct_methods_size : 1 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 0 │ │ │ │ Class #2647 - │ │ - Class descriptor : 'Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046;' │ │ + Class descriptor : 'Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714;' │ │ Access flags : 0x0001 (PUBLIC) │ │ Superclass : 'Ljava/lang/Object;' │ │ Interfaces - │ │ Static fields - │ │ Instance fields - │ │ Direct methods - │ │ - #0 : (in Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046;) │ │ + #0 : (in Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714;) │ │ name : '' │ │ type : '()V' │ │ access : 0x10001 (PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR) │ │ code - │ │ registers : 1 │ │ ins : 1 │ │ outs : 1 │ │ insns size : 4 16-bit code units │ │ -26e404: |[26e404] com.bumptech.glide.annotation.compiler.GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046.:()V │ │ +26e404: |[26e404] com.bumptech.glide.annotation.compiler.GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714.:()V │ │ 26e414: 7010 6ff9 0000 |0000: invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;.:()V // method@f96f │ │ 26e41a: 0e00 |0003: return-void │ │ catches : (none) │ │ positions : │ │ 0x0000 line=16 │ │ locals : │ │ - 0x0000 - 0x0004 reg=0 this Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046; │ │ + 0x0000 - 0x0004 reg=0 this Lcom/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714; │ │ │ │ Virtual methods - │ │ - source_file_idx : 8226 (GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046.java) │ │ + source_file_idx : 8226 (GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714.java) │ │ │ │ Class #2648 header: │ │ class_idx : 3972 │ │ access_flags : 1 (0x0001) │ │ superclass_idx : 8556 │ │ source_file_idx : 8227 │ │ static_fields_size : 0 │ ├── classes4.jar │ │ ├── zipinfo {} │ │ │ @@ -2642,15 +2642,15 @@ │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 693 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/RequestManager$RequestManagerConnectivityListener.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 11932 b- defN 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/RequestManager.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 168 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/Excludes.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 135 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideExtension.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 175 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideModule.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 406 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideOption.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 168 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideType.class │ │ │ -?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 203 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046.class │ │ │ +?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 203 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 242 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_GlideModule_com_bumptech_glide_integration_okhttp3_OkHttpLibraryGlideModule.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 198 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/Index.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 172 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/annotation/ksp/Index.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 967 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/disklrucache/DiskLruCache$1.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 608 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/disklrucache/DiskLruCache$DiskLruCacheThreadFactory.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 3338 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/disklrucache/DiskLruCache$Editor.class │ │ │ ?rwxrwxr-x 2.0 unx 3551 b- stor 80-Jan-01 00:00 com/bumptech/glide/disklrucache/DiskLruCache$Entry.class │ │ ├── zipnote «TEMP»/diffoscope_4d5g__wz_tmp/tmpw5nrm1v4_.zip │ │ │ @@ -7935,15 +7935,15 @@ │ │ │ │ │ │ Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideOption.class │ │ │ Comment: │ │ │ │ │ │ Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/GlideType.class │ │ │ Comment: │ │ │ │ │ │ -Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_28433e67_7a4d_3d7a_95a6_299faf66a046.class │ │ │ +Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_9beda61a_74c6_3e7c_883b_012779724714.class │ │ │ Comment: │ │ │ │ │ │ Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/GlideIndexer_GlideModule_com_bumptech_glide_integration_okhttp3_OkHttpLibraryGlideModule.class │ │ │ Comment: │ │ │ │ │ │ Filename: com/bumptech/glide/annotation/compiler/Index.class │ │ │ Comment: ├── assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ @@ -1,245 +1,245 @@ │ -00000000: 7072 6f00 3031 3000 0238 9a00 0031 0f00 pro.010..8...1.. │ -00000010: 0078 01ed 9c7d 8c14 e77d c79f d99d bb5b .x...}...}.....[ │ -00000020: 8ec3 ec1d 102f 1887 01ae 80dd 332c 2f36 ...../......3,/6 │ -00000030: 6719 ccf0 9280 9cd6 a209 49ec d812 6b0c g.........I...k. │ -00000040: 7e51 5183 43e2 6237 4ae7 2e18 7052 27c4 ~QQ.C.b7J...pR'. │ -00000050: a2ae d526 eeb9 895c fa22 f7ea b691 1ba2 ...&...\."...... │ -00000060: 749b a656 5b87 c44e d236 8d2d 43e2 3689 t..V[..N.6.-C.6. │ -00000070: aac8 4156 6a81 8ab9 fe3e 33fb 3d1e d660 ..AVj....>3.=..` │ -00000080: 6c57 51fe e019 f4db e7f7 fef2 9dd9 d9b9 lWQ............. │ -00000090: d91d 26ba ff70 fb2e 76ee 3b0f 542f f9a5 ..&..p..v.;.T/.. │ -000000a0: 579d bb75 fb2d 3b77 6edb b970 ebb6 5d3d W..u.-;wn..p..]= │ -000000b0: ceb9 8391 7303 b5e7 6edf 3436 6e5a 866d ....s...n.46nZ.m │ -000000c0: ee25 ce95 cc2e ea34 de5c 5dd9 286d f155 .%.....4.\].(m.U │ -000000d0: 5bd1 e323 9b64 c575 9bed 6d46 ef36 9a66 [..#.d.u..mF.6.f │ -000000e0: b4d0 881c f84f 6aad 9596 6e7e 4b56 2de5 .....Oj...n~KV-. │ -000000f0: 556e fa55 2c3a 64f9 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