--- /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/org.openhab.habdroid.beta_515.apk +++ /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/sigcp_org.openhab.habdroid.beta_515.apk ├── /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {} │┄ error from `/usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {}` (b): │┄ DOES NOT VERIFY │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: <9615e67a499aeb9cbecffcacb0d0d6c17c1cbd909ec55dcefb6344b002b24cbb>, actual: │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. VERITY_CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: <8a1934d84d26ed2d2414720ab11228c92756d487b36f162a2e5b8c0a012ada0ae6d07a0000000000>, actual: │ @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ │ -Verifies │ -Verified using v1 scheme (JAR signing): true │ -Verified using v2 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v2): true │ -Verified using v3 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v3): true │ -Verified using v4 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v4): false │ -Verified for SourceStamp: false │ -Number of signers: 1 │ -Signer #1 certificate DN: CN=FDroid, OU=FDroid, O=fdroid.org, L=ORG, ST=ORG, C=UK │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: 34a2f6cbd525c8887a254d4594f6432368ebc2cee451d21e4f26825032efa6e6 │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-1 digest: 1f777898e8e3ecf8444af44db5e4fc874c839fda │ -Signer #1 certificate MD5 digest: 3b9de7562035666f85ff80d4f861352b │ -Signer #1 key algorithm: RSA │ -Signer #1 key size (bits): 2048 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-256 digest: ce522f190d36d272b73a50d99f776d853f4b99fab1fbfa82154c71ad43af2b02 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-1 digest: e28ac8b8f53fa3ee48b38fe7f12d18b0989a2e4b │ -Signer #1 public key MD5 digest: 2cc904c1756a3a9fb42cae0450a7b3db │ -WARNING: META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/INDEX.LIST not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat-resources.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.arch.core_core-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.asynclayoutinflater_asynclayoutinflater.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.biometric_biometric.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cardview_cardview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.coordinatorlayout_coordinatorlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cursoradapter_cursoradapter.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview-poolingcontainer.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_viewbinding.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.documentfile_documentfile.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.drawerlayout_drawerlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.dynamicanimation_dynamicanimation.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2-views-helper.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.exifinterface_exifinterface.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.interpolator_interpolator.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-ui.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-utils.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-v4.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-process.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-service.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.localbroadcastmanager_localbroadcastmanager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.media_media.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.navigation_navigation-common.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.navigation_navigation-fragment.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.navigation_navigation-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.preference_preference-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.preference_preference.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.print_print.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.profileinstaller_profileinstaller.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.recyclerview_recyclerview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.room_room-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.security_security-crypto.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.slidingpanelayout_slidingpanelayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite-framework.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.startup_startup-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.swiperefreshlayout_swiperefreshlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.tracing_tracing.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.transition_transition.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable-animated.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.versionedparcelable_versionedparcelable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager2_viewpager2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager_viewpager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.window_window.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/com.google.android.material_material.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/gradle/incremental.annotation.processors not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_android.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_jdk9.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_reactive.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/org.acra.collector.Collector not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/org.acra.interaction.ReportInteraction not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/org.acra.sender.ReportSenderFactory not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/org.acra.startup.StartupProcessor not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. ├── zipinfo {} │ @@ -1675,8 +1675,8 @@ │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 464 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zq.xml │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 2176 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zt.xml │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 884 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 res/zz.png │ -rw---- 0.0 fat 2782868 b- stor 81-Jan-01 01:01 resources.arsc │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 150277 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/FCD1C589.SF │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 1334 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/FCD1C589.RSA │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 150150 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF │ -1680 files, 13662661 bytes uncompressed, 7857445 bytes compressed: 42.5% │ +1680 files, 13662661 bytes uncompressed, 7857442 bytes compressed: 42.5% ├── classes.dex │ ├── dexdump -a -d -f -h {} │ │┄ Ignoring differences in offsets to keep diff size reasonable. │ │ @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ │ │ DEX version '035' │ │ DEX file header: │ │ magic : 'dex\n035\0' │ │ -checksum : fede0563 │ │ -signature : b5bf...b4c5 │ │ +checksum : 33b303dc │ │ +signature : ae1d...9262 │ │ file_size : 7989416 │ │ header_size : 112 │ │ link_size : 0 │ │ link_off : 0 (0x000000) │ │ string_ids_size : 62122 │ │ string_ids_off : 112 (0x000070) │ │ type_ids_size : 10137 │ │ @@ -995239,15 +995239,15 @@ │ │ registers : 9 │ │ ins : 2 │ │ outs : 5 │ │ insns size : 193 16-bit code units │ │ 4e2684: |[4e2684] org.openhab.habdroid.util.CrashReportingHelper.initialize:(Landroid/app/Application;)V │ │ 4e2694: 1a00 e772 |0000: const-string v0, "app" // string@72e7 │ │ 4e2698: 7120 3bbc 0800 |0002: invoke-static {v8, v0}, Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics;.checkNotNullParameter:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V // method@bc3b │ │ -4e269e: 1800 db44 b828 9101 0000 |0005: const-wide v0, #double 8.51258e-312 // #0000019128b844db │ │ +4e269e: 1800 2f32 6217 9101 0000 |0005: const-wide v0, #double 8.51114e-312 // #000001911762322f │ │ 4e26a8: 7100 bcb0 0000 |000a: invoke-static {}, Ljava/lang/System;.currentTimeMillis:()J // method@b0bc │ │ 4e26ae: 0b02 |000d: move-result-wide v2 │ │ 4e26b0: 1214 |000e: const/4 v4, #int 1 // #1 │ │ 4e26b2: 1205 |000f: const/4 v5, #int 0 // #0 │ │ 4e26b4: 3106 0002 |0010: cmp-long v6, v0, v2 │ │ 4e26b8: 3b06 0400 |0012: if-gez v6, 0016 // +0004 │ │ 4e26bc: 1210 |0014: const/4 v0, #int 1 // #1 │ ├── classes.jar │ │ ├── zipinfo -v {} │ │ │ @@ -142804,15 +142804,15 @@ │ │ │ version of encoding software: 2.0 │ │ │ minimum file system compatibility required: MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT │ │ │ minimum software version required to extract: 2.0 │ │ │ compression method: none (stored) │ │ │ file security status: not encrypted │ │ │ extended local header: no │ │ │ file last modified on (DOS date/time): 1980 Jan 1 00:00:00 │ │ │ - 32-bit CRC value (hex): 0465041d │ │ │ + 32-bit CRC value (hex): 9ef7d152 │ │ │ compressed size: 3672 bytes │ │ │ uncompressed size: 3672 bytes │ │ │ length of filename: 52 characters │ │ │ length of extra field: 0 bytes │ │ │ length of file comment: 0 characters │ │ │ disk number on which file begins: disk 1 │ │ │ apparent file type: binary │ │ ├── org/openhab/habdroid/util/CrashReportingHelper.class │ │ │ ├── procyon -ec {} │ │ │ │ @@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ │ │ │ │ if (!b) { │ │ │ │ Log.e(s, s2, (Throwable)ex); │ │ │ │ } │ │ │ │ } │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ public final void initialize(final Application application) { │ │ │ │ Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter((Object)application, "app"); │ │ │ │ - final long n = 1722965050587L; │ │ │ │ + final long n = 1722674197039L; │ │ │ │ final long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); │ │ │ │ final int n2 = 1; │ │ │ │ final boolean b = n < currentTimeMillis; │ │ │ │ final String tag = CrashReportingHelper.TAG; │ │ │ │ final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); │ │ │ │ sb.append("ACRA status: isOutdated "); │ │ │ │ sb.append(b); ├── smali/org/openhab/habdroid/util/CrashReportingHelper.smali │ @@ -139,15 +139,15 @@ │ .method public final initialize(Landroid/app/Application;)V │ .locals 7 │ │ const-string v0, "app" │ │ invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics;->checkNotNullParameter(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V │ │ - const-wide v0, 0x19128b844dbL │ + const-wide v0, 0x1911762322fL │ │ .line 30 │ invoke-static {}, Ljava/lang/System;->currentTimeMillis()J │ │ move-result-wide v2 │ │ const/4 v4, 0x1 ├── assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ @@ -1,191 +1,191 @@ │ 00000000: 7072 6f00 3031 3000 01e1 5100 00d6 0b00 pro.010...Q..... │ 00000010: 0078 01ed 5b6b 7055 5715 def7 dc67 4248 .x..[kpUW....gBH │ -00000020: 2e84 d400 166f 4886 9769 09c2 b430 62b9 .....oH..i...0b. │ -00000030: 3458 0385 3628 8fda 2972 5b4a 051b 81ca 4X..6(..)r[J.... │ -00000040: 2341 28ec 04a4 68b1 c491 222d 3325 a3fd #A(...h..."-3%.. │ +00000020: 2e84 d40b 584c 4886 9769 09c2 b430 62b9 ....XLH..i...0b. │ +00000030: 3458 0385 1294 573b 454e 4ba9 6023 5079 4X....W;ENK.`#Py │ +00000040: 240c 1476 0029 5a2c 71a4 48db 9992 b1fd $..v.)Z,q.H..... │ 00000050: c1b4 5832 4a1d 6c0b 5c1e 5328 f22c 0e1d ..X2J.l.\.S(.,.. │ -00000060: 1569 a848 fba3 d080 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License", │ │ "spdxId": "MIT", │ │ "url": "https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html" │ │ } │ │ }, │ │ "metadata": { │ │ - "generated": "2024-02-08T17:25:08.718Z" │ │ + "generated": "2024-02-05T08:37:37.063Z" │ │ } │ │ }