--- /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/com.poupa.vinylmusicplayer_193.apk +++ /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/tmp/sigcp_com.poupa.vinylmusicplayer_193.apk ├── /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {} │┄ error from `/usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/debian/apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs {}` (b): │┄ DOES NOT VERIFY │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: <1dd5171fded6da43fdd327fb7936a49df011a492084129f16ffd6ffe34d81490>, actual: <9377a6c7cd1091d540f039d469bb4d03ca898e090f5811ac8f523c9d9f7a3892> │┄ ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v3 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. VERITY_CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: , actual: <484af20d0f9c5ddb9a893ef91aac682fb3782cac174237073404bc74d5b24fe1f0b77d0000000000> │ @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ │ -Verifies │ -Verified using v1 scheme (JAR signing): true │ -Verified using v2 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v2): true │ -Verified using v3 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v3): true │ -Verified using v4 scheme (APK Signature Scheme v4): false │ -Verified for SourceStamp: false │ -Number of signers: 1 │ -Signer #1 certificate DN: CN=FDroid, OU=FDroid, O=fdroid.org, L=ORG, ST=ORG, C=UK │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: 5bff14f9b3bdbcb3b2f37db623cf321fd2b480035b5408bb8182c93fc4f8eda2 │ -Signer #1 certificate SHA-1 digest: eae2e6ce9059b8f5cbbf751d31fd75dc06b71cb2 │ -Signer #1 certificate MD5 digest: 88ead4eaacd5ab15bdcd7b8b0e45eab0 │ -Signer #1 key algorithm: RSA │ -Signer #1 key size (bits): 2048 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-256 digest: 68e7b0ec0dcb123c821b6a8f1ef8423e34a3ccf07bcbf7f297f233d7bdd7bd63 │ -Signer #1 public key SHA-1 digest: 51ca78626c9e01154710ad6421416f69c5da211b │ -Signer #1 public key MD5 digest: eb81b151e1d38338c8c6c28a5cdc851a │ -WARNING: META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/activity-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/activity_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.activity_activity.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat-resources.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.arch.core_core-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.asynclayoutinflater_asynclayoutinflater.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cardview_cardview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.coordinatorlayout_coordinatorlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.core_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.cursoradapter_cursoradapter.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview-poolingcontainer.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_baseAdapters.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_databindingKtx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_library.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.databinding_viewbinding.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.documentfile_documentfile.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.drawerlayout_drawerlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.dynamicanimation_dynamicanimation.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2-views-helper.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.exifinterface_exifinterface.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.gridlayout_gridlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.interpolator_interpolator.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-ui.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-utils.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-process.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-service.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.localbroadcastmanager_localbroadcastmanager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.media_media.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.palette_palette-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.palette_palette.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.percentlayout_percentlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.preference_preference-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.preference_preference.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.print_print.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.profileinstaller_profileinstaller.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.recyclerview_recyclerview.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate-ktx.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.slidingpanelayout_slidingpanelayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.startup_startup-runtime.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.swiperefreshlayout_swiperefreshlayout.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.tracing_tracing.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.transition_transition.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable-animated.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.versionedparcelable_versionedparcelable.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager2_viewpager2.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.viewpager_viewpager.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/androidx.window_window.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/collection-ktx.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/com.afollestad.material-cab.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/com.google.android.material_material.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/core-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/customview-poolingcontainer_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/fragment-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlin-stdlib.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx-coroutines-android.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx-coroutines-core.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_android.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_core.version not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-common.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-livedata_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-runtime-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-runtime_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/lifecycle-viewmodel_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/palette-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/preference-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/retrofit.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/savedstate-ktx_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/savedstate_release.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. │ -WARNING: META-INF/vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease.kotlin_module not protected by signature. Unauthorized modifications to this JAR entry will not be detected. Delete or move the entry outside of META-INF/. ├── zipinfo {} │ @@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 56 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/palette-ktx_release.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 62 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/preference-ktx_release.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 48 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/retrofit.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 51 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/savedstate-ktx_release.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 76 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/savedstate_release.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 54 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 52 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory │ --rw---- 2.0 fat 132 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease.kotlin_module │ +-rw---- 2.0 fat 132 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 META-INF/vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease.kotlin_module │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 53 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 androidsupportmultidexversion.txt │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 624 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin-tooling-metadata.json │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 926 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin/annotation/annotation.kotlin_builtins │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 3685 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin/collections/collections.kotlin_builtins │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 200 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin/coroutines/coroutines.kotlin_builtins │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 646 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin/internal/internal.kotlin_builtins │ -rw---- 2.0 fat 17783 b- defN 81-Jan-01 01:01 kotlin/kotlin.kotlin_builtins ├── classes3.dex │ ├── dexdump -a -d -f -h {} │ │┄ Ignoring differences in offsets to keep diff size reasonable. │ │ @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ │ │ DEX version '035' │ │ DEX file header: │ │ magic : 'dex\n035\0' │ │ -checksum : 20032ac9 │ │ -signature : 67b9...aed3 │ │ +checksum : bd5f2afa │ │ +signature : a84f...f429 │ │ file_size : 4165620 │ │ header_size : 112 │ │ link_size : 0 │ │ link_off : 0 (0x000000) │ │ string_ids_size : 33969 │ │ string_ids_off : 112 (0x000070) │ │ type_ids_size : 5050 │ │ @@ -2882,15 +2882,15 @@ │ │ static_fields_size : 0 │ │ instance_fields_size: 13 │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 30 │ │ │ │ Class #22 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\"\n\n��\n��\n\n\n\n\n \n&†��20Bm00000\t0\n0 0 0\r0000¢J\t#0HÆJ\t$0HÆJ\t%0HÆJ\t&0HÆJ\t'0HÆJ\t(0HÆJ\t)0HÆJ\t*0HÆJ\t+0HÆJ\t,0HÆJ\t-0HÆJ\t.0HÆJ\t/0HÆJ‹00��20202020202\t02\n02 02 02\r0202020HÆJ10220HÖJ\t30HÖJ\t40HÖR0¢\n��R0¢\n��R0¢\n��R08X‡¢\n��R08X‡¢\n��R\t0¢\n��R\n08X‡¢\n��R 08X‡¢\n��R 08X‡¢\n��R\r08X‡¢\n��R0¢\n�� R0¢\n��!R0¢\n��\"¨5" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" "" "id" "" "link" "name" "nbAlbum" "" "nbFan" "picture" "pictureBig" "pictureMedium" "pictureSmall" "pictureXl" "radio" "" "tracklist" "type" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" "getId" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getLink" "getName" "getNbAlbum" "()I" "getNbFan" "getPicture" "getPictureBig" "getPictureMedium" "getPictureSmall" "getPictureXl" "getRadio" "()Z" "getTracklist" "getType" "component1" "component10" "component11" "component12" "component13" "component2" "component3" "component4" "component5" "component6" "component7" "component8" "component9" "copy" "equals" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\"\n\n��\n��\n\n\n\n\n \n&†��20Bm00000\t0\n0 0 0\r0000¢J\t#0HÆJ\t$0HÆJ\t%0HÆJ\t&0HÆJ\t'0HÆJ\t(0HÆJ\t)0HÆJ\t*0HÆJ\t+0HÆJ\t,0HÆJ\t-0HÆJ\t.0HÆJ\t/0HÆJ‹00��20202020202\t02\n02 02 02\r0202020HÆJ10220HÖJ\t30HÖJ\t40HÖR0¢\n��R0¢\n��R0¢\n��R08X‡¢\n��R08X‡¢\n��R\t0¢\n��R\n08X‡¢\n��R 08X‡¢\n��R 08X‡¢\n��R\r08X‡¢\n��R0¢\n�� R0¢\n��!R0¢\n��\"¨5" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" "" "id" "" "link" "name" "nbAlbum" "" "nbFan" "picture" "pictureBig" "pictureMedium" "pictureSmall" "pictureXl" "radio" "" "tracklist" "type" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" "getId" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getLink" "getName" "getNbAlbum" "()I" "getNbFan" "getPicture" "getPictureBig" "getPictureMedium" "getPictureSmall" "getPictureXl" "getRadio" "()Z" "getTracklist" "getType" "component1" "component10" "component11" "component12" "component13" "component2" "component3" "component4" "component5" "component6" "component7" "component8" "component9" "copy" "equals" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #668 'id' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #669 'link' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #670 'name' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #671 'nbAlbum' │ │ @@ -4462,15 +4462,15 @@ │ │ direct_methods_size : 6 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 2 │ │ │ │ Class #23 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService; │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="Companion" │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��0\n\n��\n\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��†��20B¢J0HJ020HJ\t0\n20J 0 2\r0H†¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion;" "" "()V" "createCacheControlInterceptor" "Lokhttp3/Interceptor;" "createDefaultCache" "Lokhttp3/Cache;" "context" "Landroid/content/Context;" "createDefaultOkHttpClient" "Lokhttp3/OkHttpClient$Builder;" "invoke" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService;" "client" "Lokhttp3/Call$Factory;" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��0\n\n��\n\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��\n\n��†��20B¢J0HJ020HJ\t0\n20J 0 2\r0H†¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion;" "" "()V" "createCacheControlInterceptor" "Lokhttp3/Interceptor;" "createDefaultCache" "Lokhttp3/Cache;" "context" "Landroid/content/Context;" "createDefaultOkHttpClient" "Lokhttp3/OkHttpClient$Builder;" "invoke" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService;" "client" "Lokhttp3/Call$Factory;" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lkotlin/jvm/internal/SourceDebugExtension; value={ "SMAP\nDeezerApiService.kt\nKotlin\n*S Kotlin\n*F\n+ 1 DeezerApiService.kt\ncom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion\n+ 2 KotlinExtensions.kt\nretrofit2/-KotlinExtensions\n*L\n1#1,68:1\n22#2:69\n*S KotlinDebug\n*F\n+ 1 DeezerApiService.kt\ncom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion\n*L\n36#1:69\n*E\n" } │ │ Annotations on method #2693 'createDefaultOkHttpClient' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #2694 'invoke' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #2693 'createDefaultOkHttpClient' parameters │ │ #0 │ │ @@ -4722,15 +4722,15 @@ │ │ instance_fields_size: 0 │ │ direct_methods_size : 1 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 1 │ │ │ │ Class #24 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses; value={ Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion; } │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n\n��\n��\n\n\n��\n\nf�� 20:J0020H'¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService;" "" "getArtistImage" "Lretrofit2/Call;" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;" "artistName" "" "Companion" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n\n��\n��\n\n\n��\n\nf�� 20:J0020H'¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService;" "" "getArtistImage" "Lretrofit2/Call;" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;" "artistName" "" "Companion" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #682 'Companion' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #2696 'getArtistImage' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "(" "Ljava/lang/String;" ")" "Lretrofit2/Call<" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;" ">;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lretrofit2/http/GET; value="search/artist&limit=1" │ │ Annotations on method #2696 'getArtistImage' parameters │ │ @@ -4784,15 +4784,15 @@ │ │ static_fields_size : 2 │ │ instance_fields_size: 0 │ │ direct_methods_size : 0 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 0 │ │ │ │ Class #25 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n\n��\n\n\"��0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚T¢\n��¨" } d2={ "BASE_QUERY_ARTIST" "" "BASE_URL" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=2 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n\n��\n\n\"��0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚T¢\n��¨" } d2={ "BASE_QUERY_ARTIST" "" "BASE_URL" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=2 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #683 'BASE_QUERY_ARTIST' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #684 'BASE_URL' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ │ │ Class #25 - │ │ Class descriptor : 'Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiServiceKt;' │ │ @@ -4823,15 +4823,15 @@ │ │ static_fields_size : 0 │ │ instance_fields_size: 3 │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 10 │ │ │ │ Class #26 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��*\n\n��\n��\n \n\n��\n\n��\n\n \n \n†��20B# 0000¢\tJ00HÆJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ-0��2002020HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR00¢\n��\n R0¢\n�� \rR0¢\n��¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;" "" "data" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" "next" "" "total" "" "(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;I)V" "getData" "()Ljava/util/List;" "getNext" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getTotal" "()I" "component1" "component2" "component3" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��*\n\n��\n��\n \n\n��\n\n��\n\n \n \n†��20B# 0000¢\tJ00HÆJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ-0��2002020HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR00¢\n��\n R0¢\n�� \rR0¢\n��¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;" "" "data" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" "next" "" "total" "" "(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;I)V" "getData" "()Ljava/util/List;" "getNext" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getTotal" "()I" "component1" "component2" "component3" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #685 'data' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "Ljava/util/List<" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" ">;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #686 'next' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #2697 '' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "(" "Ljava/util/List<" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data;" ">;" "Ljava/lang/String;" "I)V" } │ │ @@ -55517,15 +55517,15 @@ │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 14 │ │ │ │ Class #246 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator; │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="CallerPackageInfo" │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��*\n\n��\n��\n\n\n\n\n\"\n\n \n‚��20B50000 00\t¢\nJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ 0HÆJ00\tHÆJC0��2020202\n0200\tHÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��  R0¢\n��\r R00\t¢\n��R0¢\n�� R0¢\n��¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo;" "" "name" "" "packageName" "uid" "" "signature" "permissions" "" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)V" "getName" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getPackageName" "getPermissions" "()Ljava/util/Set;" "getSignature" "getUid" "()I" "component1" "component2" "component3" "component4" "component5" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��*\n\n��\n��\n\n\n\n\n\"\n\n \n‚��20B50000 00\t¢\nJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ 0HÆJ00\tHÆJC0��2020202\n0200\tHÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��  R0¢\n��\r R00\t¢\n��R0¢\n�� R0¢\n��¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo;" "" "name" "" "packageName" "uid" "" "signature" "permissions" "" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)V" "getName" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getPackageName" "getPermissions" "()Ljava/util/Set;" "getSignature" "getUid" "()I" "component1" "component2" "component3" "component4" "component5" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #1790 'name' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1791 'packageName' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1792 'permissions' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "Ljava/util/Set<" "Ljava/lang/String;" ">;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ @@ -56277,15 +56277,15 @@ │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 10 │ │ │ │ Class #247 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator; │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="KnownCallerInfo" │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��.\n\n��\n��\n\n\n#\n\n \n \n\n\n‚��20B#00 00¢J\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ00HÆJ-0��2020200HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��\t\nR0¢\n�� \nR00¢\n�� \r¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo;" "" "name" "" "packageName" "signatures" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature;" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)V" "getName" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getPackageName" "getSignatures" "()Ljava/util/Set;" "component1" "component2" "component3" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��.\n\n��\n��\n\n\n#\n\n \n \n\n\n‚��20B#00 00¢J\t0HÆJ\t0HÆJ00HÆJ-0��2020200HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��\t\nR0¢\n�� \nR00¢\n�� \r¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo;" "" "name" "" "packageName" "signatures" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature;" "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Set;)V" "getName" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "getPackageName" "getSignatures" "()Ljava/util/Set;" "component1" "component2" "component3" "copy" "equals" "" "other" "hashCode" "" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #1795 'name' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1796 'packageName' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1797 'signatures' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "Ljava/util/Set<" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature;" ">;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ @@ -56898,15 +56898,15 @@ │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 8 │ │ │ │ Class #248 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator; │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="KnownSignature" │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "�� \n\n��\n��\n\n��\n \n \n\n‚��20B00¢J\t 0HÆJ\t 0HÆJ\r0��2020HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��R0¢\n��\t\n¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature;" "" "signature" "" "release" "" "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V" "getRelease" "()Z" "getSignature" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "component1" "component2" "copy" "equals" "other" "hashCode" "" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "�� \n\n��\n��\n\n��\n \n \n\n‚��20B00¢J\t 0HÆJ\t 0HÆJ\r0��2020HÆJ020HÖJ\t0HÖJ\t0HÖR0¢\n��R0¢\n��\t\n¨" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature;" "" "signature" "" "release" "" "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V" "getRelease" "()Z" "getSignature" "()Ljava/lang/String;" "component1" "component2" "copy" "equals" "other" "hashCode" "" "toString" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #1799 'signature' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #6067 'component1' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #6069 'copy' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on method #6073 'getSignature' │ │ @@ -57165,15 +57165,15 @@ │ │ instance_fields_size: 5 │ │ direct_methods_size : 11 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 1 │ │ │ │ Class #249 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses; value={ Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo; Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo; Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature; } │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��b\n\n��\n��\n\n��\n\n\n%\n\n\n \n��\n$\n\n��\n\n\n\n\n\n��\n\n\n\n\n\n��20:'()B00¢J020\tHJ0\t00\r20HJ020\tHJ0\t20HJ0\t20HJ0\t20\tHJ0\tHJ 0 20\t2!0J\"0#2$0HJ%020HJ&020HR&0\t00 0\n0X‚¢\n��R 0\t00\rX‚¢\n��R0X‚¢\n��R0X‚¢\n��R0\tX‚¢\n��¨*" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator;" "" "context" "Landroid/content/Context;" "xmlResId" "" "(Landroid/content/Context;I)V" "callerChecked" "" "" "Lkotlin/Pair;" "" "certificateWhitelist" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo;" "packageManager" "Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;" "platformSignature" "buildCallerInfo" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo;" "callingPackage" "buildCertificateWhitelist" "parser" "Landroid/content/res/XmlResourceParser;" "getPackageInfo" "Landroid/content/pm/PackageInfo;" "getSignature" "packageInfo" "getSignatureSha256" "certificate" "" "getSystemSignature" "isKnownCaller" "callingUid" "logUnknownCaller" "" "callerPackageInfo" "parseV1Tag" "parseV2Tag" "CallerPackageInfo" "KnownCallerInfo" "KnownSignature" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��b\n\n��\n��\n\n��\n\n\n%\n\n\n \n��\n$\n\n��\n\n\n\n\n\n��\n\n\n\n\n\n��20:'()B00¢J020\tHJ0\t00\r20HJ020\tHJ0\t20HJ0\t20HJ0\t20\tHJ0\tHJ 0 20\t2!0J\"0#2$0HJ%020HJ&020HR&0\t00 0\n0X‚¢\n��R 0\t00\rX‚¢\n��R0X‚¢\n��R0X‚¢\n��R0\tX‚¢\n��¨*" } d2={ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator;" "" "context" "Landroid/content/Context;" "xmlResId" "" "(Landroid/content/Context;I)V" "callerChecked" "" "" "Lkotlin/Pair;" "" "certificateWhitelist" "" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo;" "packageManager" "Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;" "platformSignature" "buildCallerInfo" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo;" "callingPackage" "buildCertificateWhitelist" "parser" "Landroid/content/res/XmlResourceParser;" "getPackageInfo" "Landroid/content/pm/PackageInfo;" "getSignature" "packageInfo" "getSignatureSha256" "certificate" "" "getSystemSignature" "isKnownCaller" "callingUid" "logUnknownCaller" "" "callerPackageInfo" "parseV1Tag" "parseV2Tag" "CallerPackageInfo" "KnownCallerInfo" "KnownSignature" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=1 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lkotlin/jvm/internal/SourceDebugExtension; value={ "SMAP\nPackageValidator.kt\nKotlin\n*S Kotlin\n*F\n+ 1 PackageValidator.kt\ncom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator\n+ 2 _Collections.kt\nkotlin/collections/CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt\n+ 3 _Arrays.kt\nkotlin/collections/ArraysKt___ArraysKt\n*L\n1#1,350:1\n288#2,2:351\n13644#3,3:353\n*S KotlinDebug\n*F\n+ 1 PackageValidator.kt\ncom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator\n*L\n107#1:351,2\n176#1:353,3\n*E\n" } │ │ Annotations on field #1801 'callerChecked' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "Ljava/util/Map<" "Ljava/lang/String;" "Lkotlin/Pair<" "Ljava/lang/Integer;" "Ljava/lang/Boolean;" ">;>;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1802 'certificateWhitelist' │ │ VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value={ "Ljava/util/Map<" "Ljava/lang/String;" "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo;" ">;" } │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ @@ -57793,15 +57793,15 @@ │ │ static_fields_size : 3 │ │ instance_fields_size: 0 │ │ direct_methods_size : 2 │ │ virtual_methods_size: 0 │ │ │ │ Class #250 annotations: │ │ Annotations on class │ │ - VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n��\n\n\n\n��\"��0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚¢\n��¨" } d2={ "ANDROID_PLATFORM" "" "TAG" "WHITESPACE_REGEX" "Lkotlin/text/Regex;" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" } k=2 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ + VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Lkotlin/Metadata; d1={ "��\n��\n\n\n\n��\"��0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚T¢\n��\"0X‚¢\n��¨" } d2={ "ANDROID_PLATFORM" "" "TAG" "WHITESPACE_REGEX" "Lkotlin/text/Regex;" "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" } k=2 mv={ 1 8 0 } xi=48 │ │ Annotations on field #1806 'ANDROID_PLATFORM' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1807 'TAG' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; │ │ Annotations on field #1808 'WHITESPACE_REGEX' │ │ VISIBILITY_BUILD Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull; ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/Data.smali │ @@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ │ "component8", │ "component9", │ "copy", │ "equals", │ "other", │ "hashCode", │ "toString", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService.smali │ @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ │ "", │ "getArtistImage", │ "Lretrofit2/Call;", │ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse;", │ "artistName", │ "", │ "Companion", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerResponse.smali │ @@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ │ "component3", │ "copy", │ "equals", │ "", │ "other", │ "hashCode", │ "toString", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiServiceKt.smali │ @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ │ d1 = { │ "\u0000\n\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0002\u0008\u0002\"\u000e\u0010\u0000\u001a\u00020\u0001X\u0082T\u00a2\u0006\u0002\n\u0000\"\u000e\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u0001X\u0082T\u00a2\u0006\u0002\n\u0000\u00a8\u0006\u0003" │ } │ d2 = { │ "BASE_QUERY_ARTIST", │ "", │ "BASE_URL", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x2 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService$Companion.smali │ @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ │ "Landroid/content/Context;", │ "createDefaultOkHttpClient", │ "Lokhttp3/OkHttpClient$Builder;", │ "invoke", │ "Lcom/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/deezer/DeezerApiService;", │ "client", │ "Lokhttp3/Call$Factory;", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidatorKt.smali │ @@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ │ } │ d2 = { │ "ANDROID_PLATFORM", │ "", │ "TAG", │ "WHITESPACE_REGEX", │ "Lkotlin/text/Regex;", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x2 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownSignature.smali │ @@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ │ "component2", │ "copy", │ "equals", │ "other", │ "hashCode", │ "", │ "toString", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator.smali │ @@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ │ "", │ "callerPackageInfo", │ "parseV1Tag", │ "parseV2Tag", │ "CallerPackageInfo", │ "KnownCallerInfo", │ "KnownSignature", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$KnownCallerInfo.smali │ @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ │ "copy", │ "equals", │ "", │ "other", │ "hashCode", │ "", │ "toString", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── smali_classes3/com/poupa/vinylmusicplayer/util/PackageValidator$CallerPackageInfo.smali │ @@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ │ "component5", │ "copy", │ "equals", │ "", │ "other", │ "hashCode", │ "toString", │ - "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240315-1155_fdroidRelease" │ + "vinyl_HEAD_1ced2c44_240318-0556_fdroidRelease" │ } │ k = 0x1 │ mv = { │ 0x1, │ 0x8, │ 0x0 │ } ├── assets/dexopt/baseline.prof │ @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ │ 00000000: 7072 6f00 3031 3000 0230 7300 0031 0d00 pro.010..0s..1.. │ -00000010: 0078 01ed 9c7b 7054 d51d c7cf ee26 6103 .x...{pT.....&a. │ -00000020: 5116 8810 1ed5 1b88 1051 3bf1 01ca 3496 Q........Q;...4. │ -00000030: 8da0 a223 6d46 c711 c707 0184 01a5 8ae2 ...#mF.......... │ -00000040: 282a d51b 08d3 d8d1 42ad 0f6a c74a d5a1 (*......B..j.J.. │ -00000050: 8eb5 1aeb 74d4 aab8 d4a9 4514 c5d7 8c63 ....t.....E....c │ -00000060: 6d89 e894 8ea2 65d0 41a8 96f4 f7d9 dd2f m.....e.A....../ │ -00000070: 3959 12aa ffb4 ce78 4ee6 b7bf dff9 bdcf 9Y.....xN....... │ -00000080: f7dc bd7b f7e6 2603 dc0b 6ee1 50e7 9e3c ...{..&...n.P..< │ -00000090: 65c1 ec2b f73a 3767 e1ac c58b e72e fef6 e..+.:7g........ │ -000000a0: c573 9754 39e7 761b 354c 8c8e be7d c13e .s.T9.v.5L...}.> │ -000000b0: d371 d82e 19e5 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